Our customers are our top priority. Due to the COVID-19, you may experience delays in shipment. We are encouraging all our valued customers to utilize our 50% discount special on shipping for all items up to 4 lbs using our primary couriers (Knutsford Express and Zip mail). We asked that customers e-sign for their packages through the delivery confirmation link sent via email or other communication platform. Please be safe and take care of yourself, your friends and your family. We urge you to stay informed about COVID-19. For general information on COVID-19, click the links below. WHO: https://www.who.int/CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/ Jamaica UWI: http://www.uwi.edu/covid19/index.phpJamaica Covid book: https://online.fliphtml5.com/xadfy/zhoo/?1585260768440#p=1MOH: https://www.moh.gov.jm/covid-19-update-march-23-2020/